October 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: October 12, 2022
Guest Speaker: A drug enforcement speaker
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Directors Shane Chester, Tonya Frederickson, and Darryl Franklin. Absent: Directors Chris Morgan, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the September Board Minutes. Director Franklin made a motion to approve the September Board Minutes. Director Frederickson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Frederickson made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

New Business

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that the Legacy Foundation is donating $600,000 for the next addition to the Academy of Building Industries school building. The Halle Foundation is matching the Legacy Foundation’s donation of $600,000. Hopefully it can start in January with 1.2 million. They need to find a General Contractor and they need to send it out to bid. Secretary/Treasurer is hoping to have Scott Seabury of Seabury/Fritz to start a site plan as soon as possible.

Old Business

President Adams informed the Board that he, Glenn and Catherine Rajaniemi, and Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto met with the Registrar of Contractors, Jeff Fleetham, regarding that everyone gets a Contractor’s License. Mr. Fleetham claims that they read all applications applying for Contractor’s License. President Adams that there is new regime coming in and Mr. Fleetham will be out.

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that he received an e-mail from Mr. Fleetham inviting him and others to his zoom meeting on November 1, 2022. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that he will present the invitation to the membership at tomorrow night’s general dinner meeting to see if they want to go online for the zoom meeting.

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that Mr. Fleetham gave him, Glenn and Catherine Rajaniemi, signs with stands stating “Hire Licensed Contractors”. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto will bring them to tomorrow night’s general dinner meeting.

President Adams said that he and Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto will be attending the Mohave County Building Code Advisory Board Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday, October 13th, at 2:30 p.m., located at the Mohave County Board of Supervisors Auditorium in Kingman.

President Adams said that he spoke with Davy Spurlock of Ant Farms and that he said that City of Kingman is trying to raise their Impact fees.

President Adams also informed the Board that Proposition 310 is an increase of sales tax primarily for the Fire Department Districts. He said to vote NO on sales tax increases.

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said he received the Propositions Publicity Pamphlet regarding all the Propositions. He mentioned a couple of examples that are in the very heavy “book” pamphlet.

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto also brought up the subject of mattresses being taken to the dump. He said he wrote letters to all five supervisors two weeks ago and has not received any replies.

Guest Speaker

President Adams said that we will be having a drug enforcement speaker at tomorrow night’s general dinner meeting.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Franklin made a motion to adjourn. Director Frederickson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
October 11, 2022

September 2022 Newslletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: September 14, 2022
Guest Speaker: Mohave County Sheriff, Doug Schuster
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 11:55 a.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Directors Sean Chester and Darryl Franklin. Absent: Directors Chris Morgan, Tonya Frederickson, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi. Guest: Leslie Chester.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the August Board Minutes. Director Franklin made a motion to approve the August Board Minutes. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Franklin made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

New Business

President Adams informed the Board that he was just informed that Kat O’Brien of Stylish Lighting had passed away from cancer. Condolences to her family. President Adams said that he has been driving through Rotary Park every day and that the roof structure had tilted and he called Billy at the Building Department and he didn’t know anything about it. The city is not abiding by the Building Codes. He said that they are violating a lot of things under the procurement law and are not supposed to be competing with private industries. President Adams said that the county has gone totally out of hand in trying to get building permits. Seems like you have to go through seven different departments to get permits. Very frustrating. Special inspections for metal buildings are not in the Building Codes. They still want Geotech reports on every individual house. President Adams said that last Thursday he met with Ron Gould, Hildy Anguis, Tim Welsh and Gilbert Spiley regarding this. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto informed the Board that he went to the Dump on El Rodeo Drive and was told that since October 1st a surcharge of $14.75 was put on mattresses. Apparently, the land is owned by the county, but Tri State Refuse does the daily operations. They told him that the county set the price. Mattresses will probably be dumped in the desert because of the charge. He is thinking of writing a letter to all of the county supervisors regarding this.

Election Results

President Adams said he hasn’t heard yet on the results of the primary election which was held last Tuesday. If the candidates get 50% of the votes, then they are elected. There will be a runoff if they do not receive 50% of the votes and have to run in November. At tomorrow night’s meeting, we may have the final results.

Director Morgan brought up the subject of Dike Road. He said they were working on five lots, 20 acres, and that Mohave County will not let them trench. He wanted to know who owns the easement and is still wanting to hear back from Mohave County. Discussion was held regarding PUE’s and legal status. Very unusual situation.

President Adams said that he had driven through Rotary Park and that next to the warehouse by Playa Del Rio, a roof structure was being built. He could tell that it did not meet code. President Adams said he talked to Billie at the Building Department and that he didn’t know anything about it. He said he then emailed Toby Cotter and told him that the roof structure did not meet code. Toby Cotter responded that the city staff said it was fine.

President Adams that they are violating a lot of things under procurement law. Also said that the city is not allowed to compete with private industry. Seems like there is a double standard between the city and the contractors.

Guest Speaker

President Adams said that Mohave County Sheriff, Doug Schuster, will be speaking to our members at tomorrow night’s dinner meeting.
President Adams said that he received an email from the Registrar of Contractors, Jeff Fleetham, who said that he would like to visit with him for about an hour. Mr. Fleetham will be visiting Bullhead City on September 28th. President Adams asked the Board if we want to participate in a meeting with the Registrar of Contractors and if they want to meet with him. President Adams said we should probably meet with him and listen to him and voice our concerns. It was decided that Director Chester and President Adams will meet with him when arrangements are made.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Chester made a motion to adjourn. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
September 13, 2022

August 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: August 10, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Directors Chris Morgan, Tonya Frederickson, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi. Absent: Director Darryl Franklin. Guest: Leslie Chester.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the July Board Minutes. Director Frederickson made a motion to approve the July Board Minutes. Director Morgan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

New Business

President Adams said that Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto will be conducting the meeting tomorrow night as he will be out of town.

Election Results

President Adams said he hasn’t heard yet on the results of the primary election which was held last Tuesday. If the candidates get 50% of the votes, then they are elected. There will be a runoff if they do not receive 50% of the votes and have to run in November. At tomorrow night’s meeting, we may have the final results.

Director Morgan brought up the subject of Dike Road. He said they were working on five lots, 20 acres, and that Mohave County will not let them trench. He wanted to know who owns the easement and is still wanting to hear back from Mohave County. Discussion was held regarding PUE’s and legal status. Very unusual situation.

President Adams said that he had driven through Rotary Park and that next to the warehouse by Playa Del Rio, a roof structure was being built. He could tell that it did not meet code. President Adams said he talked to Billie at the Building Department and that he didn’t know anything about it. He said he then emailed Toby Cotter and told him that the roof structure did not meet code. Toby Cotter responded that the city staff said it was fine.

President Adams that they are violating a lot of things under procurement law. Also said that the city is not allowed to compete with private industry. Seems like there is a double standard between the city and the contractors.

Guest Speaker

President Adams said that Hildy Angius, Mohave County Supervisor District 2, will be speaking to our members at tomorrow night’s dinner meeting.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Frederickson made a motion to adjourn. Director Lopez-Rajaniemi seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
August 9, 2022

June 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: July 13, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Vice President Chris Graff; Directors Shane Chester, Chris Morgan, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi. Absent: Directors Tonya Frederickson and Darryl Franklin.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the May Board Minutes. Director Chester made a motion to approve the May Board Minutes. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

President Adams said that we have two guests today, Michael Smith, Community Services Department Director of Mohave County, and Linda Saldana who is running for City Council. President Adams said that he had asked Mr. Smith to come to our Board meeting to introduce himself and what his department does. Mr. Smith gave a presentation of what they can do for the community like on the job training. They want to help businesses get good workers through their apprentice training programs and on the job training. They also do OSHA training. The consensus of the Board is to have Mr. Smith come to one of our dinner meetings and explain their programs to the members as it seems very beneficial to our community.

Director Morgan asked President Adams I had talked to Tim Walsh in Kingman as he said he was able to get better service than difficulties trying to get permits. President Adam said he has spoken with Tim Walsh, Director of Mohave County’s Development Services, regarding the problems contractors have been going through trying to get their projects completed. The City of Bullhead City’s Building Department is also difficult to work with.

New Business

Membership Application

President Adams informed the Board that he received a membership application with check from Patrick Reed of Reed Plumbing Inc., for membership. President Adams asked for a motion to approved Mr. Reed’s membership application. Vice President Graff made a motion to approve the membership application from Reed Plumbing Inc. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


President Adams said that there will be no elections held as no one has shown any interest. President Adams said that he has appointed Vice President Graff to be President, and President Adams will be Vice President starting next month. President Adams said that people need to step up and get involved.

Guest Speaker

President Adams said Mr. Todd Steinberger, ADOT Representative, will be speaking to our members at tomorrow night’s dinner meeting.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Morgan made a motion to adjourn. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
June 8, 2022

May 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: June 8, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 11:57 a.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Vice President Chris Graff; Directors Tonya Frederickson; and Darryl Franklin. Absent: Directors Shane Chester, Chris Morgan, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the April Board Minutes. Director Frederickson made a motion to approve the April Board Minutes. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Old Business

President Adams said that he has no report on legislative action on the sales tax. He will try to get more information by tomorrow night’s dinner meeting.

President Adams said he has spoken with Tim Walsh, Director of Mohave County’s Development Services. They talked about the complaints to the Building Department regarding their requesting Geo Techs inspections which costs around $15,000. Hopefully we can straighten this out. The City of Bullhead City is also getting ridiculous with permits and inspections in getting building inspections. We are still battling sales tax and impact fees. The whole world is trying to figure out how to produce affordable housing.

New Business

President Adams informed the Board of the passing of Rita Brown, wife of Bob Brown of Apple Construction. She was very active in our community. She was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and “The Noon” Kiwanis. She passed from a minor surgery that went bad.


President Adams said that next month is election time for the Mohave Valley Contractors Association. Time for a new President. Vice President Graff said he will step up and become our next President.


Discussion was held on members joining and then not coming to meetings. We need more contractors as members. We also need Board members to be replaced as we need Board members to attend the Board meetings.

Guest Speakers

President Adams said that we will have three candidates running for City Council speaking to our members at tomorrow night’s dinner meeting. Our three speakers will be Annette Wegman, Tammy Ring, and Juan Lizarraga.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Frederickson made a motion to adjourn. Secretary /Treasurer Caponetto seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
May 11, 2022

April 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: May 11, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto; Vice President Chris Graff; Directors Tonya Frederickson; Shane Chester; and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi. Absent: Directors Darryl Franklin and Chris Morgan.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the March Board Minutes. Vice President Graff made a motion to approve the March Board Minutes. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Director Chester made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report until tomorrow night’s meeting. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Old Business

President Adams said that he saw Leo Biasiucci at a political function. President Adams said that Mr. Biasiucci’s legislative bill regarding sales tax on prime contracting is in jeopardy because of Karen Fann, President of the Senate. Gina Cobb, Chairman of Appropriations introduced another legislative bill.

New Business

Guest Speakers

President Adams said that there are seven candidates running for City Council and that there are only five seats available. We will have three candidates running for City Council speaking at tomorrow night’s meeting. They are Rodney Head, Grace Hecht, and Dan Alfonso. We will continue to have the rest of the candidates speak at future meetings. The three candidates that are running for Mayor were our guest speakers last month.

President Adams informed the Board that he has been getting calls complaining about the County and City Building Departments. They have been requesting special inspections regarding geo techs and high-tension bolts.

Discussion was held regarding the block wall being built at Community Park


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Chester made a motion to adjourn. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
April 12, 2022

March 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: April 13, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Directors Chris Morgan, Tonya Frederickson (by phone), Darryl Franklin, and Catherine-Lopez Rajaniemi. Abdennt: Vice President Chris Graff; Secretary John Caponetto; Director Shane Chester.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the February Board Minutes. Director Morgan Graff made a motion to approve the February Board Minutes. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for February. Director Morgan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for February. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

New Business

President Adams said that ex-Treasurer Steve Bouman, Secretary John Caponetto, and himself were signatories at the bank. President Adams said we need a motion to remove ex-Treasurer Steve Bouman’s name from the signatory form on the bank account. Director Morgan made a motion to remove ex-Treasurer Steve Bouman’s name from the signatory form on the bank account. Director Franklin seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

President Adams said that he called Director Russell Aycock and that Director Aycock informed President Adams that he was resigning from the Board as he has new duties at Pioneer Title. President Adams said we now have two vacancies to fill. President Adams said that Secretary John Caponetto will be taking the responsibilities of the Treasurer’s position until we fill the position. He also let the Board know that since Steve Bouman is leaving a vacancy at the Academy of Building Industries Board, Joe Bardswich of Golden Vertex said he would take Steve Bouman’s position on the Board.

President Adams said that they may recall that Secretary Caponetto and he met with our State Representative, Leo Biasiucci, sometime in December to meet with the Department of Revenue regarding the sales tax on prime contracting. Mr. Biasiucci introduced the legislation and it cleared the House and it is now in the Senate. This is the first time in 30 years we have had success in our sales tax problem. President Adams said he had been working on this item since 1995.

Director Morgan wanted to know who to talk to regarding county permits. He said it sometimes takes six to eight weeks to get a permit, and the inspectors are getting ridiculous.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Frederickson made a motion to adjourn. Director Lopez-Rajaniemi seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura L. Harrison March 8, 2022

February 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: March 9, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 11:55 a.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Vice President Chris Graff; Treasurer Steve Bouman; Secretary John Caponetto; and Director Shane Chester. Absent: Directors Tonya Frederickson, Russell Aycock, Chris Morgan, Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, and Darryl Franklin.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the January Board Minutes. Vice President Graff made a motion to approve the January Board Minutes. Treasurer Bouman seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to waive the reading of the Treasurer’s Report. Director Chester made a motion to waive the reading of the Treasurer’s Report. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Old Business

President Adams stated that Chris Graff is now our Vice President and that Darryl Franklin is now a Board Member. We need to find more Board members as some of the Board members we have now have not been attending the Board meetings. President Adams also stated that Treasurer Bouman is retiring next month.

President Adams also talked about the EPCOR takeover by the City of Bullhead City.

New Business

President Adams said that he will not be attending the dinner meeting tomorrow night so Vice President Graff will run the meeting. President Adams said that Bo Hellams, Director of Bullhead City of Chamber of Commerce, will be our guest speaker.

Secretary Caponetto wanted to know if Director Chester wanted to take over the Treasurer’s position, but Director Chester said he did not have the time for the position. Secretary Caponetto said that he and Treasurer Bouman are joint signers on the Bank account. Secretary Caponetto said he can be Treasurer temporarily until we find a permanent Treasurer.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Vice President Graff made a motion to adjourn. Director Chester seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
February 22, 2022

January 2022 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: February 9, 2022
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ.  The meeting was called to order at 11:55 a.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams, Vice President Chris Graff, Secretary John Caponetto; Treasurer Steve Bouman; and Director Tonya Frederickson.  Absent:  Directors Russell Aycock, Chris Morgan, Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, Darryl Franklin and Shane Chester.


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the December Board Minutes. Vice President Graff made a motion to approve the December Board Minutes. Secretary Caponetto seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for the Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Bouman read the Treasurer’s Report for the month of December 2021. Treasurer Bouman said that the Total Expenses for the month of December were $2,125.00. Total Income for the month of December was $1,468.00. The DDA Account for the month of December was $4,718.14. The Money Market Account for the month of December was $99,559.66. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of December. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of December. Vice President Graff seconded the motion. President Adams asked if there was any discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

New Business

Discussion was held on whether to cancel tomorrow night’s dinner meeting because of the rise in COVID. President Adams asked for a motion to cancel the dinner meeting. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to cancel tomorrow night’s dinner meeting. Treasurer Bouman seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


President Adams said that he appointed Chris Graff as Vice President and also appointed Darryl Franklin as a Director. Director Sean Chester was unable to attend today’s Board Meeting, but he may be taking over the Treasurer’s position as Treasurer Bouman is retiring.

Old Business

President Adams informed the Board that Glen had talked to Ed Walsh regarding the 2018 Building Codes. President Adams also said that the County had amended the code for fire foam. It seems that the County never notifies anyone of changes.

President Adams said that he and Secretary Caponetto met with Leo Biasiucci on December 8th regarding Arizona Sales Tax and that they both went to Phoenix and met with Leo Biasiucci and representatives of the Department of Revenue to discuss the sales tax problems.

Secretary Caponetto said that he will send out an e-mail to all of the members informing them that tomorrow night’s dinner meeting is cancelled.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Vice President Graff made a motion to adjourn. Secretary Caponetto seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.       

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
January 10, 2022

December 2021 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: January 12, 2022 – Cancelled
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 11:55 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Treasurer Steve Bouman; Secretary John Caponetto; Directors Chris Graff, and Tonya Frederickson, Absent: Directors Russell Aycock, Chris Morgan, Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, and Shane Chester. Guests: Paul Gillespie (MEC) and Maggie (CEMEX).


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the November Board Minutes. Treasurer Bouman made a motion to approve the November Board Minutes. Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for the Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Bouman read the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2021. Treasurer Bouman said that the Total Expenses for the month of November $1,436.32. The DDA Account for the month of December was $5,375.44. The Money Market Account for the month of November was $99,559.66. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November. Director Frederickson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November. Director Graff seconded the motion. President Adams asked if there was any discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer Bouman said they have $300 in envelopes. Two envelopes with $50. Eight envelopes with $20, and four envelopes with $10. He also said that a Scooters basket was donated.

Old Business

Christmas Party

President Adams said that the Class Act Band will be playing for the dinner party. President Adams said that we should have different color tickets for the raffle. One color for the 50/50 drawing. Another color for each individual paying for dinner. That way everyone has a chance to win prize. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to have different color tickets for the drawings, and Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Old Business

President Adams said that Leo Biasiucci is taking on sales tax problems again. President Adams said he has agreed to work with Leo Biasiucci on these matters. President Adams and Secretary Caponetto are meeting with Leo Biasiucci tomorrow morning and show him examples of TPT sales tax and different sales tax rate.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to adjourn. Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
December 15, 2021