Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City
Date: March 13, 2024
Guest Speaker: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person
928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238
Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.
Call To Order
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 12 p.m., by President Larry Adams
President Larry Adams, Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto, Directors Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, and Bob King. Absent: Directors Tonya Frederickson, Shane Chester, and Chris Morgan.
President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the January Board Minutes. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to approve the January Board Minutes. Director King seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s general meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report. Director King seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Old Business
President Adams said he has not heard back from the City of Bullhead City to see if they are going to implement the use of 2018 Building Code.
President Adams talked about the Registrar of Contractors situation. He said that the temporary Director of the Registrar of Contractors is Tom Cole, who retired from the fire services. Has no experience as a contractor. President Adams said that he will be attending the Advisory Council next Tuesday. President Adams said that at the last meeting that he attended Tom Cole said that they are going to waive license fees for veterans, disabled, and economically disadvantaged people. President Adams wanted to know who is checking to make sure that people are qualified for a license. They are hiring retired police officers for investigators and they have no construction experience.
New Business
Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto informed the Board that he called the architects to find out where the building plan is for the Academy of Building Industries school. It has been a year since this all started.
Director Lopez-Rajaniemi informed the Board that the fire department in Fort Mohave purchased land for a new fire station.
Guest Speakers
President Adams said that our guest speaker for tomorrow night will be Bo Hellams, Director for the Bullhead City Chamber of Commerce
President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to adjourn. Director Lopez-Rajaniemi seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura L. Harrison
February 14, 2024