December 2021 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: January 12, 2022 – Cancelled
Guest Speakers: tba
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ. The meeting was called to order at 11:55 p.m., by President Larry Adams.


President Larry Adams; Treasurer Steve Bouman; Secretary John Caponetto; Directors Chris Graff, and Tonya Frederickson, Absent: Directors Russell Aycock, Chris Morgan, Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, and Shane Chester. Guests: Paul Gillespie (MEC) and Maggie (CEMEX).


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter. Everyone said yes. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the November Board Minutes. Treasurer Bouman made a motion to approve the November Board Minutes. Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for the Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Bouman read the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2021. Treasurer Bouman said that the Total Expenses for the month of November $1,436.32. The DDA Account for the month of December was $5,375.44. The Money Market Account for the month of November was $99,559.66. President Adams asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November. Director Frederickson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November. Director Graff seconded the motion. President Adams asked if there was any discussion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer Bouman said they have $300 in envelopes. Two envelopes with $50. Eight envelopes with $20, and four envelopes with $10. He also said that a Scooters basket was donated.

Old Business

Christmas Party

President Adams said that the Class Act Band will be playing for the dinner party. President Adams said that we should have different color tickets for the raffle. One color for the 50/50 drawing. Another color for each individual paying for dinner. That way everyone has a chance to win prize. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to have different color tickets for the drawings, and Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Old Business

President Adams said that Leo Biasiucci is taking on sales tax problems again. President Adams said he has agreed to work with Leo Biasiucci on these matters. President Adams and Secretary Caponetto are meeting with Leo Biasiucci tomorrow morning and show him examples of TPT sales tax and different sales tax rate.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Secretary Caponetto made a motion to adjourn. Director Graff seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
December 15, 2021