July 2024 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: July 10, 2024
Guest Speakers:  John Warren and Gordon Groat
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

Call To Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ.  The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m., by President Larry Adams.           


President Larry Adams, Directors Bob King, Larry Ojeda, Michael Andrews, Mike Williams, Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi, and Shane Chester.  Absent:  Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto.   


President Larry Adams asked if they read the Newsletter.  President Larry Adams asked for a motion to approve the June Board Minutes.  Director Bob King made a motion to approve the June Board Minutes.   Director Larry Ojeda seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.     

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s general meeting.  Director Shane Chester made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report.  Director Larry Ojeda seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.

Old Business

President Larry Adams said that there were three bids, by invitation only, for the construction of the addition to the Academy of Building Industries school.  Pueblo Construction was the lowest bid and, as such, was awarded to Pueblo Construction.  There has been a delay in getting building permits because the Mohave County wants a lot of inspections done on the hood range and they need certification from them.   President Larry Adams said that grading and the pouring of concrete will soon begin.  It has taken eight months to get to this point.  School will be out until August 5th s they are trying to get as much done before then. 

President Larry Adams asked how many of the Board members lived in the city as citizens are supposed to either approve or disapprove Proposition 416.  He said that the Arizona Legislature passed a spending limit on base rate in 1980 and that they can’t exceed spending limit.  President Larry Adams also said that the 416 Pact is spending a lot of money on this and said that the Pact have to divulge who is contributing to this 416 Proposition.  He also said that city employees are on social media to pass 416 Proposition.  They are stretching it as the city is not allowed to advertise this. 

New Business

President Larry Adams showed the Board Members a page from the Arizona Republic newspaper titled “Gas fired power plant fuels unrest, suspicion in Mohave County”.   Further down the page, a paragraph read, “In 2022, Tyler Carlson, MEC’s CEO, received a base salary of $1.35 million, more than the $1.2 million that SRP, Arizona’s much larger urban utility company, paid its CEO, which some viewed as odd”. 

There was a discussion on MEC’s rates and also on the time that MEC’s Board of Directors hold their positions. 

Guest Speakers

President Larry Adams stated that we have two candidates as our guest speakers that are running for Mohave County School Superintendent.  They are John Warren and Gordon Groat


President Larry Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss.  He then asked for a motion to adjourn.   Director Shane Chester made a motion to adjourn.  Director Bob King seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison

July 10, 2024