September 2023 Newsletter


Chaparral Country Club
1260 Mohave Drive
Bullhead City

Date: September 13, 2023
Guest Speaker:  Leo Biasiucci
Cocktails & Social: 6:00pm
Dinner served at 6:30pm sharp! Cost is $15.00 per person

928-758-4959 or 928-727-5238

Please note: We pay for all meals ordered. Once you have made your reservation, you will be charged for your dinner even if you do not attend.

Advertising opportunities are available on our MVCA website. Rates: $25.00 per month; $300.00 per year. Ad size: 125×125. Supply your ad, or one can be designed for you. For more details, contact a board member today.

President’s Letter

Cindy Casaus, the acting Registrar of Contractors, stayed true to her word and was in Bullhead City on August 21st. Several of our members met with Cindy at the library prior to a scheduled meeting of the public concerning the dangers of using unlicensed contractors. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the meeting, as I was ill with a third round of Covid. Both meetings went well, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have had a private meeting with Cindy to discuss our concerns with the Registrar’s Office directly with the head of the agency. 

John Caponetto gave Cindy a tour of the Academy of Building Industries following the meeting at the library. The registrar had heard of the school and was very much interested in it. I think it is safe to say that the registrar was very impressed with our facility, the students and the staff that run it. The school is unique to Arizona and certainly the only one to have been founded by a contractor’s association. The registrar has been invited to speak at one of our regular monthly meetings that will happen in the near future. 

Our scheduled guest speaker for our August dinner meeting, Arizona Representative Leo Biasiucci, previously forgot about the event where we did not wind up with a speaker. We will, however, have another opportunity at this month’s dinner meeting on September 13th to hear him speak. He will be updating us on the accomplishments of the last legislation session, or lack thereof. This promises to be a very informative meeting so I hope you will plan to attend. Call Laura today to make your reservation!

Larry D. Adams


Call To Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at Scooters, 2750 Miracle Mile, Bullhead City, AZ.  The meeting was called to order at 12 p.m., by President Larry Adams.     


President Larry Adams, Secretary/Treasurer John Caponetto, Directors Shane Chester, Tonya Frederickson, and Catherine Lopez-Rajaniemi.  Absent:  Directors Chris Morgan and Darryl Franklin.   Guests:  Linda Saldana, Charles Lopez, and Eric Hudson.  


President Adams asked everyone if they read the Newsletter.  President Adams asked for a motion to approve the July Board Minutes.  Director Chester made a motion to approve the July Board Minutes.   Director Frederickson seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.    

Treasurer’s Report

President Adams asked for a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s report until tomorrow night’s general meeting.  Director Frederickson made a motion to dispense reading of the Treasurer’s Report.  Director Chester seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.

New Business

President Adams asked if there was any progress for the Academy of Building Industries school site plan.  Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that the site plan has been submitted to Mohave County and was in review.  He said it takes 30 days to five months to be approved.  Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said that they are getting an application for water and in a month or so will have it all resolved.  He said that Jeremiah Perkins of Clear Circuit has a farm and is donating an acre of water to the school.  President Adams said they will send a letter to Jaime Kelly thanking her for allocating water to the school and allowing us the opportunity to purchase water from her properties. 

President Adams informed the Board that it now costs $7,000 for acre/ft.  It used to cost $1,000 acre/ft.

President Adams said that Rob of Selberg Associates wanted another $3,000 to deal with the County for site plan.  President Adams said too much time to get confirmation of approvals for site plans. 

Everybody is having problems with Mohave County’s permitting process.  Contractors are reluctant to complain for fear of retaliation by the County. 

President Adams informed the Board the new acting Registrar of Contractors is Cindy Casaus.  She will be holding a public meeting on August 23rd at the Library.    President Adams said that he and some of the Board Members will be meeting with her at 9am at Pueblo Construction.  She also requested a tour of the Academy of Building of Industries school. 

Membership Application

Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto said he received a membership application from Larry Ojeda of L&D Excavation LLC.  President Adams asked for motion to accept the membership application.  Director Chester made a motion to accept the membership application from L&D Excavation LLC.  Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion approved. 

Secretary/treasurer Caponetto asked if anyone had anything else to discuss. He then suggested an adjournment as no formal motion was made to approve as there was no quorum present. Directors Frederickson and Lopez-Rajaniemi agreed, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.


President Adams asked if anyone had anything else to discuss.  He then asked for a motion to adjourn.   Secretary/Treasurer Caponetto made a motion to adjourn.  Director Chester seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.   

Respectfully submitted,

Laura L. Harrison
August 9, 2023